
Laut Wetterbericht wird bei uns am Sonntag über 32° sein.
Aus diesem Grund muß ich leider unsern Hundespiel Nachmittag absagen. Ich merke bei meinen Hunden, sie wollen einfach das heiße Wetter nicht.
Ich plane dann am 18. oder 25. August Hundespielnachmittag zu machen und hoffe, dass die Wettergötter nett sind.
Mehr Information kommt später.
Sollte jemand aber trotzdem mich und meine Hunde besuchen wollen, dann bitte gerne.  Anruf genügt.
Carole Garhöfer

Information zum NÖ Hundehaltegesetz und zur NÖ Hundehalte-Sachkundeverordnung 2023 - geltend ab 1. Juni 2023 Lesen Sie mehr...
Laut Hundehaltergesetz muß jeder, der sich einen neuen Hund anschafft, ab 1. Juni 2023 verpflichtend einen Sachkundenachweis machen.


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Dates for the Club Evenings

Club Evening:

Address for the Club Evenings:
Gasthaus Goldener Hirsch
Hirschstettner Strasse 83
1220 Wien
(Parking Lot behind the Restaurant)


The origin of this breed can be traced back to 14th Century. During the 17th to 19th Century the Lowchen tended to be a  fashion dog and status symbol, aristocrats and clergymen embellish themselves with them. In 1969 the breed was registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest breed.

Although in the FCI standard the Lowchen is for use as a companion dog, it is a breed for everything. That the Löwchen are not over bred luxury dogs, as is proven by the success in Agility. The breed is definitely very athletic, tough, persistent and highly intelligent.

They combine  all the features necessary for a companion dog: Affectionate, very lively, small but not too small, exudes pure joie de vivre, in one word, irresistible.

With a combination of elegance, the noble character and unexpected sportiness Lowchen is attracting  lately more and more dog fans. Like any long-haired breed also the  little Lion dog needs regular care, brushing and bathing, Lion clip is mandatory only at shows. The Lion clip  gives the otherwise fluffy small dogs – the  beautiful appearance of small lions.

Life expectancy: approximately 12-15 years
Size: 26 – to 32 cm
Weight: approximately 6 kg